The addiction problem is powerful enough to affect people irrespective of their race, religion, financial status and the likes. If care is not put in place, it can affect the church.
In the real sense, there are some people in the church who do not know they are addicted. While there are some who are aware.
Treating the concept of addiction in the church is usually treated from a different perspective.
Now, a church is a spiritual place that inculcates several biblical principles such as free giving, forgiveness, holy living and the likes. Also, you would find professionals from all walks of life in the church.
If there is a counselor in the church, he would not collect fees for giving professional advice. However, in the secular world, he would collect fees from clients. This is one of the benefits that the church stands to gain from having professionals who also come to worship.

The same applies to a healthcare professional who handles addiction cases. He or she can freely give tips and advice in the church. And you can be sure that they would come at no cost. However, if anyone of them needs treatment, it would be discussed professionally.
Discussing addiction in the church is very crucial. The fact is, a good number of addictive habits makes one sin against God, and they must be combatted.
Addiction is powerful and it can take someone far from God. In order to forestall this, it is important for the church to be actively involved in fighting addiction.
When the church helps its members to truly understand how addiction works and how they can help themselves, they would lead healthy lives.
Also, when addicted individuals enter for treatment, it is important for the church to show their support by sending some people to attend some group sessions.
Addiction is very powerful but provided the church is well-informed, they will be able to defeat it.